Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.

Intern: Petite Geek

Name: Raven

Race: Manic Depressive Pixie

House: Ravenclaw


Middle Earth Residence: Rohan

Secret Alter Ego: Thor. Alternatively, The Goddess of Whimsy

Shipper of probable and improbable ships
Cliche goth kid
Lover of music across the genre spectrum
Fantasy RPG aficionado
Doctor Who
Aspiring clothing designer, artist, rock star, psychologist (dreamer of impossible dreams)
Probably dead set on world domination

Find me here: Twitter

Raven’s earliest days were filled with Sailor Moon, Street Fighter, and moody New Wave music. Also, lots of books. Raised by a single father, she had a lot of free time on her hands. When she was alone, she read everything she could get her hands on. When her father wasn’t working, they were playing on rented game consoles. Raven grew up with a love for anime (fueled by Toonami), fantasy RPGs, and books about beautiful, magical worlds. A free spirited dreamer, she spends much of her time creating in any capacity she can, sewing, crocheting, drawing, or writing bad poetry.

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