Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Gift Guide: Valentine Ideas for Your Zombie Significant Other

Zombie Love is so cute. (Source)

Shopping for Valentine’s presents can be really tricky. You want a gift that is thoughtful and romantic but not SO thoughtful and romantic that it implies your relationship is in places that it isn’t ready to go. Or if your relationship is in that place you have to make sure the gift lives up to your sig other’s expectations. It’s an exhausting balancing act.

Imagine how much more difficult this is when you’re dating a zombie. I mean, what does one buy the undead that really says “I care about you… also, thank you for not eating my brains.”

Luckily we’ve done the brainstorming for you. Here is a list of appropriate potential gifts for your zombie lover that goes beyond the standard human flesh. Incidentally, these gifts are also appropriate for any special humans in your life who also really love zombies.

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