Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Review: ‘Once Upon a Time – Behind the Magic’ is a Must-Have for Any Diehard Oncer

Image belongs to Titan Books

Image belongs to Titan Books

I was lucky enough to snag a copy of the new companion book to the show Once Upon a Time. If you aren’t a self-described Oncer yet, let me tell you why you should be: the show is awesome. Ridiculous, cutesy, silly, fun, fairy-tale-infused awesome. If you are a Oncer, please feel free to flail with me in the comments or on our Twitter – I do always love having more people with whom to flail. Continue reading


Arrr Favorite Pirates of All Time

large old paper or parchment background texture

Yarrrr! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day, matey! We lasses here at 3 Chic Geeks  be celebratin’ this fine day by drinking grog and paying tribute to ye olde pirates. Whether they be fictional or historical, here lie our favorite pirates of yore. Continue reading