Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Review: ‘Once Upon a Time – Behind the Magic’ is a Must-Have for Any Diehard Oncer

Image belongs to Titan Books

Image belongs to Titan Books

I was lucky enough to snag a copy of the new companion book to the show Once Upon a Time. If you aren’t a self-described Oncer yet, let me tell you why you should be: the show is awesome. Ridiculous, cutesy, silly, fun, fairy-tale-infused awesome. If you are a Oncer, please feel free to flail with me in the comments or on our Twitter – I do always love having more people with whom to flail. Continue reading


Arrr Favorite Pirates of All Time

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Yarrrr! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day, matey! We lasses here at 3 Chic Geeks  be celebratin’ this fine day by drinking grog and paying tribute to ye olde pirates. Whether they be fictional or historical, here lie our favorite pirates of yore. Continue reading


Five New TV Shows To Get Excited About

To Get Excited About

Fall coming could signal any number of things are coming, I’m sure for many of you it’s back to school time, but for me Fall means only two things:

  1. I get to wear John Watson sweaters and flannel
  2. TV gets awesome again.

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The Fandom Wars: Round 1 Part 2

The Fandom Wars Round 1 Part 2

Okay, like, that last round? That’s what we meant by TERRIFYING AND BLOODY COMBAT. The BBC Sherlock and Elementary fandoms went AT IT like sworn enemies on prom night, man. We’ve never seen votes turn around that quickly twice in the space of two hours! Where are you people coming from? Is this what Steven Moffat feels like every day of his life? I will admit that I was cheering for the Elementary fandom to win after the initial shock of BBC Sherlock not being in the lead anymore wore off; even though I do not watch Elementary and think the female-asian-american Watson thing to be kind of gimmicky (played by none other than Token Asian Woman Lucy Liu? I mean, come on!) it would have been very interesting for the competition, if one of the guaranteed favorites had been toppled in the first round by a newer fandom. But yeah, in the end? No such luck. CBS Elementary may have owed BBC Sherlock a fall, but we’ve ended Round 1 with Elementary shot in the head on the roof, and BBC Sherlock tumbling off and staring at John wistfully from across the graveyard until Season 3 Round 2 comes around.

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Event Recap: San Diego Comic-Con 2013

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As many of you know by now, I had the opportunity to go to San Diego Comic-Con as press for MTV Geek, and it was basically the greatest thing ever. Not only was this my first trip to SDCC, it was also my first real con… like, ever. Needless to say, it was one crazy-fun, crazy-hectic, crazy-crazy weekend. Here’s a run-down of my days, my review of the con in general, and some awesome cosplay. Because cosplay.

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March Madness: Round 1, Part 1

round one

Get ready, folks, because March Madness: Shipping Wars starts NOW! Each poll will be open for 72 hours. Get those votes in and tell all your friends so your favorite ship doesn’t sink.

This first round promises to be a brutal one with a lot of big names and fandom favorites facing off. We would tell you all to make it a clean fight, but this is shipping. All is fair when it comes to your OTP.

Don’t know who to vote for? Not familiar with one of these ships? Be sure to check out our master post for a brief description of each pair. The second half of round one will commence once these polls close.

Happy Shipping!
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March Madness: Shipping Wars


It’s that time of year. March Madness is upon us, and all over the nation people are carefully filling in their brackets and cheering on their favorite teams. While we have varying opinions on basketball here at (Freak Geek: “I do not concern myself with the ancient Mayan sacrificial rites, as they bring no benefit to the halls of Asgard.”), there is one competitive sport we all enjoy: Shipping.

Yes, that’s right. We’re going there. It’s going to be a bloody war, but in the end there will be one ship to rule them all.  Continue reading