Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Event Review: New York Comic Con

NYCC 2013 photos and coverage from

I arrived at New York Comic Con wide-eyed and naive. I left hardened, my body battle-worn, my sanity only partially intact but somehow with new hope for the group people I have suddenly found myself a part of.

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Review: ‘Once Upon a Time – Behind the Magic’ is a Must-Have for Any Diehard Oncer

Image belongs to Titan Books

Image belongs to Titan Books

I was lucky enough to snag a copy of the new companion book to the show Once Upon a Time. If you aren’t a self-described Oncer yet, let me tell you why you should be: the show is awesome. Ridiculous, cutesy, silly, fun, fairy-tale-infused awesome. If you are a Oncer, please feel free to flail with me in the comments or on our Twitter – I do always love having more people with whom to flail. Continue reading

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Review: Project Roleplay (and giveaway winners announced!)

Logo belongs to

Logo belongs to

If you live the fandom life, you’re probably familiar with roleplay. Roleplay has been around since the dark ages before Facebook, back when the only way to live out the life of a fictional character was via forums and chat rooms. Fandom roleplay has become huge on social media websites: you can find RPers on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more.

If you’re a current RPer, you’re probably aware of the crackdown that has been happening on roleplay accounts, particularly on Facebook. While this is being done in the name of security, it’s putting a bit of a damper on the roleplaying community at large. Luckily, the team behind Project Roleplay has come up with a solution. This time it’ll work, this time it’s right, this time your carefully cultivated character profile won’t suddenly be suspended while you’re in the middle of  Continue reading


Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Spoiler alert: There will be spoilers. Nothing too serious but for the love of all that is Godstiel, if you don’t want them, don’t read this until after you see Star Trek: Into Darkness.

I really wanted Star Trek: Into Darkness to be a fantastic movie. I wanted to love it, I really did. I was psyched for it from the moment that Benedict Cumberbatch’s silken voice whispered villainous things into my ears, threatening the future of my world. There’s a top secret dubstep remix made with the audio from the first ST:ID trailer that I’ve never shown anyone out of shame, because making dubstep remixes is a new level of bananas. The dubious content of this computer’s hard drive aside, I was really, really excited for the new Star Trek movie. I wanted it to be the best movie ever and I’d die and go to heaven just from watching it. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead, I found myself watching something that made me go… meh. While the movie had its highlights, and was a good enough movie, I just… I can’t. I can’t love it. Here are some things that made it awesome, and here are some things that were just… painfully bad.

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Review: Iron Man 3

Note: Here there be spoilers for Iron Man 3 and minor spoilers for other Avengerverse movies. Read on at your own risk. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Let’s face it. Iron Man was great. Iron Man 2 could have used a little something more. The Avengers was pretty darn awesome. So, of course, fans of Tony Stark everywhere were excited for Iron Man 3, hoping for a movie that was at least as good as the first. I personally didn’t have particular expectations for the third Iron Man movie – all I wanted was some sexy supersuit action, some badass new tech, Tony Stark being Tony Stark, and a clear, concise plot that wasn’t too contrived. To my surprise, Iron Man 3 turned out to be so much better and so much more than anything I expected.

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Review: The Great Gatsby

Note: This is a largely spoiler-free review. That said, read at your own risk.

The Great Gatsby is one of those film adaptations that made me jump up and down excitedly upon first hearing about it and then, approximately twenty seconds later, feel absolutely nauseated. This is the problem with adapting a piece of truly iconic literature; Fitzgerald’s novel is so perfect in its original form that it’s hard to imagine any other media could properly do it justice. In fact, this has been attempted on three previous occasions without any real success. Now it has been done a fourth time.

After seeing Baz Luhrmann’s film, contemplating it thoroughly, wanting desperately to love it and feeling saddened that I simply cannot, I have come back to my original feeling–no other media can truly capture the magic of The Great GatsbyContinue reading


Event Review: Springfest 2013


This weekend The Freak and Unique Geek were given the opportunity to cover their first event as members of the press. Springfest 2013 had its highs and lows, with some glimmering moments of excellence among the general con chaos.

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Are you there, Pinterest? It’s me, Cecelia.

I have neglected to mention to all of you that a lot of my geekery is directed at crafting, and I don’t mean in a look-at-this-TARDIS-I-made kind of way but in an OH-MY-GOD-IS-THAT-A-NEW-MARTHA-STEWART-CRAFT-GLITTER-SET?!?! kind of way. I know the smell of Michaels and it’s comforting, I flip out over really nice paper, I have urges to buy every size crochet hook that exists and do a sampler quilt with the same stitch in different sizes. I’m in the craft fandom, and I’m in deep.

It should then come as no surprise that I have accepted Pinterest as my lord and savior, and I’m sure it’s had similar effects on all of you other craft geeks out there. The problem is, sometimes Pinterest lies to me. They’re not big lies, it’s just that sometimes things look cool but then don’t work or the images don’t link back to anything and I have to wing it and I scream and panic. I’m sure everyone has encountered this at some point, and I’m here to help. This is product testing for Pinterest, and today we’re looking at three separate DIY’s that involve those books you have that have seen better days (I’ll be using an unreadable paperback copy of Prisoner of Azkaban that comes apart in many little sections, I was apparently a very aggressive reader as a child.). They’ll each be rated on three criteria; ease, clarity of directions, and durability of the final product.

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A Sunday in Belgravia

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On Sunday, Freak Geek and Unique Geek attended A Sunday in Belgravia, part of the BSI Weekend in New York City. It was a very relaxed event, and my first fandom event of any kind ever, full of people genuinely enthusiastic about being genuinely enthusiastic. With everyone entering expecting terrible silences to pervade the day when removed from our keyboards and our gifs, you can imagine our surprise when all present found themselves hopelessly chatty and sharing stories not just about Sherlock but about everything. View the pictures →

This gallery contains 13 photos