Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


The Problem With The Big Bang Theory

Or Where Have All the Geek Girls Gone?

When The Big Bang Theory first premiered, I couldn’t get enough of it. Finally, a show where I understood all of the references and could relate to the social awkwardness of the characters. Finally, a show for geeks like me.

Well, sort of.

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Geek Girls Are Taking Over The World


Or: Why Nerd Culture Isn’t Exclusively Male (And Never Was)

In recent years, what has been perceived as strictly “nerd” culture has become increasingly more popular. The film adaptations of popular franchises such as Marvel comic’s Avengers, the new Star Trek, and Peter Jackson’s forays into Tolkien’s world, have made what was previously “geek” territory into common pop culture ground. This has led to an influx of new geeks exploring the source content and participating in these fandoms. Combined with the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, it’s easier for fans to engage with the material (and one another) in new, creative ways. In short, what was once a fringe culture has become part of the mainstream. Continue reading