Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Product Review: Sherlock Teas by Cara McGee


What’s that? I can drink my Sherlock feels? Excellent.

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We Are Fandom, Hear us Roar

we are fandom, hear us roar - a discourse on how a fandom can make or break anything on the internet.

It’s a running joke that Tumblr is fueled by two things: hipsters and fandoms.  But mostly fandoms. Seriously, I dare you to find a hipster photography post that doesn’t get hijacked by the Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Merlin fandom at some point. I dare you.

The beautiful thing about social media like Tumblr is that it has generated even more participatory culture amongst fangirls and fanboys everywhere. It’s easier than ever to paint your favorite character, remix a song, or make a fan video and share it with millions on a variety of platforms where fellow enthusiasts can offer criticism, praise, and even their own responses. Let’s not even get started on the gifs. Some shows, such as BBC Sherlock, have been gif’d so much that you can probably watch the entirety of the series in gifs.

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