Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Event Review: Springfest 2013


This weekend The Freak and Unique Geek were given the opportunity to cover their first event as members of the press. Springfest 2013 had its highs and lows, with some glimmering moments of excellence among the general con chaos.

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Welcome to Our Not-So-Humble Abode!

Welcome one and all to 3 Chic Geeks, a blog dedicated to all manner of nerdiness for geeks, by geeks.

This blog was conceived in the wee morning hours one day by the ever-contemplative Critique Geek who thought: “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to have a space to geek out over awesome things?” The idea firmly placed in her mind, Critique Geek ran around searching for some equally-crazy-but-also-cool people with whom she could embark upon this adventure. Luckily, it wasn’t very hard for her to convince her fellow inmates, Unique and Freak Geek, that writing on this blog was a fantastic idea.

After much debating, drafting of posts, and days of wrestling with a particularly petulant logo, we have finally reached this moment, right here, today….

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