Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Minor Potter Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spinoffs

Minor Potter Characters Who Deserve their Own Spinoffs

With the announcement of the upcoming Fantastic Beasts film yesterday, speculation began to run rampant. Who will play Newt? Will we get to see any of our favorite Potter characters in their youth? How much will we get to learn about the American Wizarding world?

Rather than jump on the Newt fan-casting bandwagon (though if you’re interested to know, my current top two picks are Skandar Keynes and Rollo Weeks), we decided to look at the many other Potterverse characters worthy of their own spinoffs. Continue reading


Nerdy News: June 2013

Nerdy News June 2013

Did you spend the past June hibernating in front of an AC? Missed out on all the excitement and sparkles? Wanna catch up with the hottest news of the month? Well, we got you the news. Good enough, right? From a plethora of Superwholock feels to sentient bots, check out the things that made our brains get geekgasms in the past thirty days below the cut.

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Nerdy News: May 2013 (and a special giveaway!)

Nerdy News May 2013 and special giveaway

Happy June, everyone! May’s been a big and exciting month for us AND the geekverse; we’re glad to bring you the best tidbits of the past month’s happenings. And, if you sit tight and get to the end of the post, you might even find an opportunity to win something special… so read on and see if your luck holds up! (We here at 3 Chic Geeks do not advocate the acquisition of cursed rabbit feet in order to improve your chances at winning.)

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Nerdy News: April 2013


The days are getting warmer and April has gone by in a whirlwind of… not actually getting a lot done. But May is here, and May is for being productive, right? Right. Nevertheless, let us take a look back at some of the nerdy news highlights from April 2013. Continue reading

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Nerdy News: March 2013

Nerdy News: March 2013

March has come and gone, and we’re left with a pile of news from all over in the fandom. There’s been a lot of excitement, a lot of squealing and fangirling… a lot of pain and suffering. Below are some of our favorite highlights of the month – the Loki way.

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Event Review: Springfest 2013


This weekend The Freak and Unique Geek were given the opportunity to cover their first event as members of the press. Springfest 2013 had its highs and lows, with some glimmering moments of excellence among the general con chaos.

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Nerdy News: February 2013

nerdy news february 2013

Hallelujah, the month of red hearts, cupids and rising Hallmark profits has come to an end! We have had so much nerdy news this month, it almost makes up for any potential strange men in diapers running around shooting arrows into people. Gosh, can you tell Freak Geek’s been corrupted by Supernatural to the point where she can’t go a single post without making a reference? She swears she doesn’t have issues… Anyway, read right on for February’s nerdy news roundup!

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Nerdy News: January 2013

The first month of the new year was pretty jam packed with nerdy news, even The White House wasn’t immune. Let’s take a look back at the month.
