Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Hogwarts House Pride Week – Our Favorite DIY Projects from the Magical World of Harry Potter

Hogwarts House Pride Week

Oh, will you look at that. September 1st has come and gone, and all those happy young wizardlings are off at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, being grownup witches that we are, we don’t get to go back to Hogwarts; we don’t have any kids either, so we can’t exactly see them off at Platform 9¾ either. This leaves us with very little to do except wallow in post-Potter depression. But, get this – the best cure for post-Potter depression (and adulthood) is keeping the magic alive, and you know what the best way of keeping the magic alive is? CRAFTING. Yup, that’s right folks – we are going to craft our little hearts out, and we’re going to have so much fun with it that those ickle firsties are going to wish they weren’t stuck at Hogwarts being sorted and learning wizardry… well, okay, maybe not that much fun, but Merlin’s beard, we’re going to try! Read on for some of our favorite Harry Potter craft ideas and recipes.

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10 Ways to Celebrate Harry Potter’s (and J.K. Rowling’s!) Birthday

Happy Birthday Harry & Jo

Today marks the 33rd birthday of that messy-haired boy with the funny looking scar with whom many of us grew up. It also happens to be the birthday of Queen Rowling, the brilliant mind that brought us the HP universe and everything we love about it. In order to commemorate this special day, we’ve compiled a list of ways to celebrate Harry James Potter, Hogwarts, and the magic of friendship.

Plus there ain’t no party like a Hogwarts party cuz a Hogwarts party don’t stop!
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DIY: Harry Potter Inspired Winged Keys

DIY Harry Potter Inspired Winged Keys on

I get really extreme bouts of Harry Potter nostalgia once July rolls around. The month is just inextricably linked to Harry, I spent my teenage Julys frantically reading all of the books before I got the next one and listening to Mugglecast and accidentally falling asleep fully dressed in a Hogwarts uniform on my bedroom floor wrapped in a Harry Potter beach towel. To alleviate my Post-Potter Depression I embark on a month long journey that inevitably includes crafting of a Harry Potter persuasion. The keys are obviously inspired by the flying keys in Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone. They’re really wonderful year round decoration, and would be awesome on a Christmas tree, around an altar space at a wedding, around a boring ceiling light, or above a baby’s crib instead of a mobile (gotta start ’em young). My new goal is to make so many I don’t need blinds anymore, I can just have winged key sun catchers for privacy.

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DIY: Hogwarts House Pride Ornaments

When I think about Christmas, I often find myself thinking about Harry Potter and the annual movie marathons on ABC Family and the terrible crying jags I go on when I hear Hedwig’s Theme. Harry Potter is my original fandom and probably the one I’m most fanatically attached to so why shouldn’t every aspect of my life reflect that in some way? This, of course, includes my Christmas Tree.

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The Ultimate Harry Potter Gift Guide 2012


While the Harry Potter books and film franchise may have come to an end, Pottermania is far from over. In fact, the Harry Potter fandom continues to be one of, if not the, most prominent online and around the world. Being proud Potterheads ourselves here at 3 Chic Geeks, a gift guide inspired by the wizarding world was an absolute must. Need help buying for the witch, wizard, muggle or squib in your life (or looking for some new gear yourself)? Then we’ve got the list for you!

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