Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Nerdy Fashion: Harry Potter House Pride Edition

Nerdy Fashion: Harry Potter House Pride Edition

For this edition of Nerdy Fashion I decided to put my closet to the test. Be warned that this post should probably come with the tagline, Cecelia starts out exploring her closet but ends up learning things about herself. I’ve always wanted to try to dress entirely in house colors for a week, and Pottermore’s House Pride week gave me an excuse. It ended up showing me just how much of each house was in me and what advice I should start taking from each so I could become a more balanced person.

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My Slytherclaw Identity Crisis


This week Pottermore is celebrating House Pride, a topic that at one point caused me to practically hyperventilate. Growing up as part of the Harry Potter generation meant that sorting ourselves was serious business. All my friends immediately knew to which houses they would belong and happily began collecting the corresponding house gear.

Except me.

You see, I always fancied myself being in Slytherin. Sure, it was the house with the bad reputation, but it’s also a house full of movers and shakers. Even though the books largely focused on the negative sides of ambition and determination, surely there were good Slytherins. My reasoning proved true later: Severus Snape, Regulus Black, and Horace Slughorn weren’t perfect, but they all did the right thing in the end. Then there’s Andromeda Tonks, born into the most pureblood-crazed family of all, who still followed her heart and married a muggleborn. I would be one of those good Slytherins that were rarely seen in the books.

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Hogwarts House Pride Week – Our Favorite DIY Projects from the Magical World of Harry Potter

Hogwarts House Pride Week

Oh, will you look at that. September 1st has come and gone, and all those happy young wizardlings are off at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, being grownup witches that we are, we don’t get to go back to Hogwarts; we don’t have any kids either, so we can’t exactly see them off at Platform 9¾ either. This leaves us with very little to do except wallow in post-Potter depression. But, get this – the best cure for post-Potter depression (and adulthood) is keeping the magic alive, and you know what the best way of keeping the magic alive is? CRAFTING. Yup, that’s right folks – we are going to craft our little hearts out, and we’re going to have so much fun with it that those ickle firsties are going to wish they weren’t stuck at Hogwarts being sorted and learning wizardry… well, okay, maybe not that much fun, but Merlin’s beard, we’re going to try! Read on for some of our favorite Harry Potter craft ideas and recipes.

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