Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Nerdy Fashion: BBC Sherlock Edition

Sherlock Edition

When attempting to think of outfits appropriate for summer, BBC Sherlock is hardly the first fandom that pops into your mind palace for inspiration. However, we here at 3 Chic Geeks find that the layering aesthetic adopted by many of the characters works wonderfully during the warmer months. We’ve compiled a series of outfits to inspire you to bring a little bit of London to your summer wardrobe. Continue reading


Nerdy Fashion: Doctor Who Edition

Nerdy fashion

Are you one of those people who has the urge to wear your favorite Who tee every day? Have you amassed a collection of Megan Lara shirts commemorating all your favorite companions? Do you get new Doctor Who apparel from all your friends every holiday? Do you really love nerdy fashion? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, this post is for you.

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3 Chic Geeks Official Tee Now Available!


Are you in love with this site? Do you, perchance, wish to marry us (all three of us) because we are so awesome? Well, sadly, while our hands in marriage are not currently available, we have an even better way for you to express your love of us. The official 3 Chic Geeks tee is now available on Redbubble. We are currently working on creating stickers and phone cases as well.

I’m not sure why we have these things, to be quite honest. Perhaps, in an alternate universe, there’s a 3 Chic Geeks TV show and the network needed to write in a way to push merchandise onto the viewers in unorthodox manners? *cough*PSYCH*cough*

In any case, you should totally get a 3 Chic Geeks shirt. It’s guaranteed to make you 200% cooler.



Gift Guide: Valentine Ideas for Your Zombie Significant Other

Zombie Love is so cute. (Source)

Shopping for Valentine’s presents can be really tricky. You want a gift that is thoughtful and romantic but not SO thoughtful and romantic that it implies your relationship is in places that it isn’t ready to go. Or if your relationship is in that place you have to make sure the gift lives up to your sig other’s expectations. It’s an exhausting balancing act.

Imagine how much more difficult this is when you’re dating a zombie. I mean, what does one buy the undead that really says “I care about you… also, thank you for not eating my brains.”

Luckily we’ve done the brainstorming for you. Here is a list of appropriate potential gifts for your zombie lover that goes beyond the standard human flesh. Incidentally, these gifts are also appropriate for any special humans in your life who also really love zombies.

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