Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


10 Things We Want in Season 3 of Sherlock (that will never happen)

10 Things We Want in Season 3 of BBC Sherlock (that will never happen)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a fangirl in the Sherlock fandom JUST WANTS SEASON 3 ALREADY OMG WHY IS IT NOT HERE YET. Prolonged exposure to Reichenbach falls, feels, theories, gifs and fanvids, Alone On the Water and A Cure for Boredom, we’ve all gone a little bit… mad. Just a little bit. It’s okay, though – we are all mad here. So, while we’re here and Season 3-less, let’s talk about the things we REALLY want to see in season 3… that will absolutely never happen.

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The Problem With The Big Bang Theory

Or Where Have All the Geek Girls Gone?

When The Big Bang Theory first premiered, I couldn’t get enough of it. Finally, a show where I understood all of the references and could relate to the social awkwardness of the characters. Finally, a show for geeks like me.

Well, sort of.

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Gift Guide for Bones Fans

Though Valentine’s day has come and gone, I felt as if February wouldn’t be complete without an homage to one of my favorite shows – Bones. There have been many evenings spent shipping Hodgins and Angela… and many more wondering just when in the name of Angel’s badass leather trench coat were Bones and Booth going to get together. The latter took… a while. So, in the honor of the Month of Love and Shipping, we proudly present to you… a gift guide for Bones fans.

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King of the Nerds: Nerdvana or Nerd-limbo?

We’re two weeks into TBS’ new reality competition show, King of the Nerds, and so far it’s left me feeling a bit confused. As a self-proclaimed nerd extraordinaire, I appreciate the show’s attempts to display the diversity in nerdom, but find the moments that it slips into stereotype to be tedious at best.

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Beyond SHERLOCK: Modern Sherlock Holmes Adaptations

modern sherlock beyond sherlock

It is a universally accepted fact that BBC Sherlock is THE only Sherlock Holmes adaptation set in the modern day. Except, you know, it isn’t. Now, before either Sherlock or Elementary graced the screens of our TVs, laptops and Tumblrs, there was quite a few modern-day versions of Sherlock. This is something that easily gets tossed aside in favor of squabbling over whether Lucy Liu or Martin Freeman made a better Watson, or whether today’s Sherlock Holmes would be a tall, dark and handsome sociopath with a taste for designer clothes or a grungy, gnarly, sassy hipster with more novelty t-shirts than Redbubble can stock.

We here at 3 Chic Geeks have picked out all the most popular Sherlock adaptations set in the modern day, and created a handy dandy little list for you all to consult while arguing. For obvious reasons, we shall disregard anything that was created before the year 2000 or is not set in the modern day. Also, since similar lists have been put together before, we’re going to make reading it worth your while by including silly doodles instead of actual photos. Sounds good? Okay, let’s take a look…

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