Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


October Slash Fest: The Ship List

Slash Fest

Oktoberfest may be over, but we here at 3 Chic Geeks are just starting up a little festival of our own.

You may recall that a while ago we asked you all to take a survey on your favorite slash couples. You all responded with gusto. Now, over the next few weeks, we’ll be celebrating these slash couples with our very own October Slash Fest!

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Event Recap: San Diego Comic-Con 2013

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As many of you know by now, I had the opportunity to go to San Diego Comic-Con as press for MTV Geek, and it was basically the greatest thing ever. Not only was this my first trip to SDCC, it was also my first real con… like, ever. Needless to say, it was one crazy-fun, crazy-hectic, crazy-crazy weekend. Here’s a run-down of my days, my review of the con in general, and some awesome cosplay. Because cosplay.

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The Stages of Post-Game of Thrones Recovery

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Game of Thrones Season 3 is over, and it has been quite the doozy. From “You know nothing, Jon Snow” to “Dracarys”, there have been awesome moments of ships setting sail, moments of triumph, and moments of watching everything fall apart in front of you. So whether you’re still emotionally scarred from the Red Wedding or already starting to feel those Game of Thrones withdrawals, we’ve put together an outline of what to expect at each stage of post-GoT recovery.

Note: The stages contained on this list may or may not reflect unhealthy ways of coping. We don’t know, we’re too blinded by our feels. 

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Daenerys Targaryen Inspired Hair Tutorial


If you’re like me you probably spend half of every episode of Game of Thrones quietly gushing about how great Daenerys is and how she’s a strong independent Khaleesi who don’t need no slaves. Most of the time it’s because she’s busy being incredible, but some of the time it’s simply because her hair is busy being incredible. She’s a braid lovers dream, and I don’t know anyone with longer hair who isn’t constantly looking for new ways to put it back. Dany is my go to when I run out of ideas for how to keep my hair out of my face, and this style surprisingly practical (making it through many long and active days as a babysitter) and easy (If you can braid your own hair, you can probably finish this style in 10-ish minutes). As an added bonus it makes it look like you have a dozen handmaidens to braid your hair for you in the morning, and seriously who doesn’t want that.

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