Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Review: Iron Man 3

Note: Here there be spoilers for Iron Man 3 and minor spoilers for other Avengerverse movies. Read on at your own risk. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Let’s face it. Iron Man was great. Iron Man 2 could have used a little something more. The Avengers was pretty darn awesome. So, of course, fans of Tony Stark everywhere were excited for Iron Man 3, hoping for a movie that was at least as good as the first. I personally didn’t have particular expectations for the third Iron Man movie – all I wanted was some sexy supersuit action, some badass new tech, Tony Stark being Tony Stark, and a clear, concise plot that wasn’t too contrived. To my surprise, Iron Man 3 turned out to be so much better and so much more than anything I expected.

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Review: The Great Gatsby

Note: This is a largely spoiler-free review. That said, read at your own risk.

The Great Gatsby is one of those film adaptations that made me jump up and down excitedly upon first hearing about it and then, approximately twenty seconds later, feel absolutely nauseated. This is the problem with adapting a piece of truly iconic literature; Fitzgerald’s novel is so perfect in its original form that it’s hard to imagine any other media could properly do it justice. In fact, this has been attempted on three previous occasions without any real success. Now it has been done a fourth time.

After seeing Baz Luhrmann’s film, contemplating it thoroughly, wanting desperately to love it and feeling saddened that I simply cannot, I have come back to my original feeling–no other media can truly capture the magic of The Great GatsbyContinue reading


Nerdy News: February 2013

nerdy news february 2013

Hallelujah, the month of red hearts, cupids and rising Hallmark profits has come to an end! We have had so much nerdy news this month, it almost makes up for any potential strange men in diapers running around shooting arrows into people. Gosh, can you tell Freak Geek’s been corrupted by Supernatural to the point where she can’t go a single post without making a reference? She swears she doesn’t have issues… Anyway, read right on for February’s nerdy news roundup!

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Review

Alternatively Titled: Remind me why this film is three hours long

Warning: This review contains very mild spoilers. 

I was ecstatic when Peter Jackson decided to direct The Hobbit. After the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I decided there was no one else that could be trusted to portray my beloved Middle Earth.

I was a bit apprehensive when it was revealed that he was adding new characters. Sure, while there are many unnamed characters within The Hobbit, they’re unnamed because they don’t play a particularly big role.

When it was announced that it was going to be a trilogy, I groaned. Nine hours of film made from a book that is approximately a quarter of the length of Lord of the Rings? It sounded absurd. Continue reading