Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


DIY Projects With Avengers Duct Tape


I assume that you, dear reader, are a responsible adult who definitely never impulse buys things with superheroes on them with no clear plan as to how you will use said Tony Stark covered impulse buy. Dear reader, you surely never wander into a Michaels with a clear plan of action and set list of necessary items only to find yourself drawn to a rack of Avengers themed something. I can only hope that you never find yourself eagerly grabbing said something and saying aloud, “No, but I need this.” while throwing it into your cart only to watch your purchase sit in a junk drawer for years.

Oh, you do this too? That’s good, I have a solution for you based on my most recent impulse buy totally adult decision.

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Nerdy News: May 2013 (and a special giveaway!)

Nerdy News May 2013 and special giveaway

Happy June, everyone! May’s been a big and exciting month for us AND the geekverse; we’re glad to bring you the best tidbits of the past month’s happenings. And, if you sit tight and get to the end of the post, you might even find an opportunity to win something special… so read on and see if your luck holds up! (We here at 3 Chic Geeks do not advocate the acquisition of cursed rabbit feet in order to improve your chances at winning.)

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Review: Iron Man 3

Note: Here there be spoilers for Iron Man 3 and minor spoilers for other Avengerverse movies. Read on at your own risk. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Let’s face it. Iron Man was great. Iron Man 2 could have used a little something more. The Avengers was pretty darn awesome. So, of course, fans of Tony Stark everywhere were excited for Iron Man 3, hoping for a movie that was at least as good as the first. I personally didn’t have particular expectations for the third Iron Man movie – all I wanted was some sexy supersuit action, some badass new tech, Tony Stark being Tony Stark, and a clear, concise plot that wasn’t too contrived. To my surprise, Iron Man 3 turned out to be so much better and so much more than anything I expected.

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Nerdy News: March 2013

Nerdy News: March 2013

March has come and gone, and we’re left with a pile of news from all over in the fandom. There’s been a lot of excitement, a lot of squealing and fangirling… a lot of pain and suffering. Below are some of our favorite highlights of the month – the Loki way.

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March Madness: Round 3

round 3


Round 2 of our March Madness: Shipping Wars was absolutely brutal. The battle of Johnlock vs. Wincest was by far the most intense we have seen yet. After going back and forth the entire time, Johnlock came out triumphant in the end. Stony, Merthur, and Destiel all made it to the next round for the Fan Favorites while on the Canon side The Ponds, Harkness/Universe, Romione and 10th/Rose round out the Elite Eight. Continue reading


Nerdy News: February 2013

nerdy news february 2013

Hallelujah, the month of red hearts, cupids and rising Hallmark profits has come to an end! We have had so much nerdy news this month, it almost makes up for any potential strange men in diapers running around shooting arrows into people. Gosh, can you tell Freak Geek’s been corrupted by Supernatural to the point where she can’t go a single post without making a reference? She swears she doesn’t have issues… Anyway, read right on for February’s nerdy news roundup!

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Fictional Girls We Love (Who Would Make Terrible Girlfriends)

Terrible Girlfriends

HA! You thought you were safe when we did our lists of fictional boys, didn’t you? But the three of us enjoy crushing everyone’s dreams on an equal opportunity basis. And thus, this list was born. We’ve gotten drunk and picked names out of a hat scientifically analyzed all our favorite girl crushes and then sniffed out all the reasons why they’d be terrible dates. Enjoy.  Continue reading