Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Our Top 12 Choices for the 12th Doctor

As you’ve probably heard by now, Matt Smith will be leaving Doctor Who following the Christmas special. Considering this rumor has been going around for some time now, we can’t say that we’re terribly surprised. While we’ll be sad to see Matt go, this announcement has sparked endless amusing debate over who should play the next doctor. At this point the name of nearly every living British actor (and some Americans) has been proposed to take up the helm of the iconic character. Not wanting to miss out on the lively debat, we thought we’d provide you with a rundown of our favorite choices.

From the likely candidates, to the fan favorites, to the never-going-to-happens-but-that-won’t-stop-us-from-begging-Moffat, here is our wish list for Twelve. Continue reading


Nerdy News: May 2013 (and a special giveaway!)

Nerdy News May 2013 and special giveaway

Happy June, everyone! May’s been a big and exciting month for us AND the geekverse; we’re glad to bring you the best tidbits of the past month’s happenings. And, if you sit tight and get to the end of the post, you might even find an opportunity to win something special… so read on and see if your luck holds up! (We here at 3 Chic Geeks do not advocate the acquisition of cursed rabbit feet in order to improve your chances at winning.)

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Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Spoiler alert: There will be spoilers. Nothing too serious but for the love of all that is Godstiel, if you don’t want them, don’t read this until after you see Star Trek: Into Darkness.

I really wanted Star Trek: Into Darkness to be a fantastic movie. I wanted to love it, I really did. I was psyched for it from the moment that Benedict Cumberbatch’s silken voice whispered villainous things into my ears, threatening the future of my world. There’s a top secret dubstep remix made with the audio from the first ST:ID trailer that I’ve never shown anyone out of shame, because making dubstep remixes is a new level of bananas. The dubious content of this computer’s hard drive aside, I was really, really excited for the new Star Trek movie. I wanted it to be the best movie ever and I’d die and go to heaven just from watching it. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead, I found myself watching something that made me go… meh. While the movie had its highlights, and was a good enough movie, I just… I can’t. I can’t love it. Here are some things that made it awesome, and here are some things that were just… painfully bad.

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Nerdy News: March 2013

Nerdy News: March 2013

March has come and gone, and we’re left with a pile of news from all over in the fandom. There’s been a lot of excitement, a lot of squealing and fangirling… a lot of pain and suffering. Below are some of our favorite highlights of the month – the Loki way.

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Nerdy News: February 2013

nerdy news february 2013

Hallelujah, the month of red hearts, cupids and rising Hallmark profits has come to an end! We have had so much nerdy news this month, it almost makes up for any potential strange men in diapers running around shooting arrows into people. Gosh, can you tell Freak Geek’s been corrupted by Supernatural to the point where she can’t go a single post without making a reference? She swears she doesn’t have issues… Anyway, read right on for February’s nerdy news roundup!

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The Reichenbach Feels Playlist

The Reichenbach Feels Playlist - All your reichenbach Fall feels in a convenient playlist format

We here at 3 Chic Geeks are intensely familiar with the feeling of having ALL THESE FEELINGS about the Reichenbach Fall. We don’t know how Sherlock did it; we can’t get over what happened; the mere words “Goodbye, John” are enough to make us randomly burst into tears… we swear we don’t have problems. Now that Sherlock season 3 is thiiiiiiiis close to being filmed, we thought we’d give everybody another way of torturing themselves until that fateful day when Sherlock 3.1 hits the airwaves. So, the great and sinister force that is Freak Geek went through her music collection and put together a playlist that details EVERY SINGLE FEEL that you will feel… in the exact order of you feeling those feels. Ready to laugh, weep and rip your hair out? Read on to find out which songs made the list!

Disclaimer: If this playlist looks like it was made by Dean Winchester… that’s probably because it was. Don’t judge me. I only know like five albums. -FG

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The Sherlock Tumblr Tag Drinking Game (or: A Study in Liver Disease)

sherlock drinking game banner

So, you’ve survived a year, a FULL YEAR, since Reichenbach. Good job, you. In that time you’ve probably read (and written) fanfiction, seen enough fanart to last a lifetime, drank Sherlock tea, discovered the Red Pants tag and completely lost your sanity. Well, the bad news is that Sherlock season 3 does not start filming until March of this year; the good news is we’ve found a new way to occupy your time until the first photos of the actors on-set begin to trickle onto Tumblr.

Be warned, this drinking game is not for the weak of heart (or liver). This drinking game is the ULTIMATE drinking game, meant to get you through to season three… or die, in which case you’ll have to sell your soul to Crowley so you can live to see Season 3. The rules are simple: Get a drink. Go to the “sherlock” tag on Tumblr. See what comes up. If it’s on our list… drink accordingly. Ready? Let’s go.

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20 Nerdy Films We’re Excited For This Year


2013 looks like it’s going to be another great year of films, particularly nerdy fantasy sci-fi-y comic and literature inspired films. Here are 20 films we’ll definitely be seeing this year.  Continue reading

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2012 in GIFs

In celebration of the end of 2012, we’re reviewing our favorite pop culture moments in the only socially acceptable format – GIFs. We feel it is appropriate to title 2012 as being the Year of the Fall, because of reasons. Many reasons. Many tear-inducing reasons.  Read on to find out what made our gaydar radar beep.

WARNING – May contain spoilers for Doctor Who, Sherlock, and basically the whole year. (#2012Spoilers)

Read at your own risk!

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Things Sherlockians Are Afraid Of

As any true Sherlockian will tell you, they have much to fear. From random attacks of Reichenbach Feels to cruel and heartless acts of God Nature Moffat and Gatiss, the Sherlockians are a very emotional, unstable bunch. So, for all of you non-Sherlockians out there, we have made a handy dandy guide on which subjects and situations you should avoid while hanging out with a Sherlockian. Check it out below! Continue reading