Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


DIY: Harry Potter Inspired Winged Keys

DIY Harry Potter Inspired Winged Keys on

I get really extreme bouts of Harry Potter nostalgia once July rolls around. The month is just inextricably linked to Harry, I spent my teenage Julys frantically reading all of the books before I got the next one and listening to Mugglecast and accidentally falling asleep fully dressed in a Hogwarts uniform on my bedroom floor wrapped in a Harry Potter beach towel. To alleviate my Post-Potter Depression I embark on a month long journey that inevitably includes crafting of a Harry Potter persuasion. The keys are obviously inspired by the flying keys in Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone. They’re really wonderful year round decoration, and would be awesome on a Christmas tree, around an altar space at a wedding, around a boring ceiling light, or above a baby’s crib instead of a mobile (gotta start ’em young). My new goal is to make so many I don’t need blinds anymore, I can just have winged key sun catchers for privacy.

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Gift Guide: Valentine Ideas for Your Zombie Significant Other

Zombie Love is so cute. (Source)

Shopping for Valentine’s presents can be really tricky. You want a gift that is thoughtful and romantic but not SO thoughtful and romantic that it implies your relationship is in places that it isn’t ready to go. Or if your relationship is in that place you have to make sure the gift lives up to your sig other’s expectations. It’s an exhausting balancing act.

Imagine how much more difficult this is when you’re dating a zombie. I mean, what does one buy the undead that really says “I care about you… also, thank you for not eating my brains.”

Luckily we’ve done the brainstorming for you. Here is a list of appropriate potential gifts for your zombie lover that goes beyond the standard human flesh. Incidentally, these gifts are also appropriate for any special humans in your life who also really love zombies.

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Ultimate Jane Austen Gift Guide 2012

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that most people who read this blog are probably shopping for holiday presents for their families at this very moment. Now, some of you probably have friends who are huge Jane Austen geeks – we here at 3 Chic Geeks certainly are! Jane Austen was the mother of the modern romance novel, and created strong, intelligent heroines that we love to read about time and time again. Not to mention, she was born on December 16th. All in all, we have gathered some of our favorite Jane Austen-themed objects in this handy gift guide. It’s perfect for last-minute holiday shopping AND for drooling over things you desire (with us, it is a little bit of both).

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The Ultimate Harry Potter Gift Guide 2012


While the Harry Potter books and film franchise may have come to an end, Pottermania is far from over. In fact, the Harry Potter fandom continues to be one of, if not the, most prominent online and around the world. Being proud Potterheads ourselves here at 3 Chic Geeks, a gift guide inspired by the wizarding world was an absolute must. Need help buying for the witch, wizard, muggle or squib in your life (or looking for some new gear yourself)? Then we’ve got the list for you!

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