Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


Event Review: Wizard World NYC 2013

Wizard World NYC 2013 Event Review

Wizard World can be summed up very simply: meet stars, buy stuff! I gave in to the raw consumerism of it all. I met stars, I bought stuff, and I had a pretty good time. While I was wandering aimlessly I saw some genuinely interesting vendors scattered around the floor who I wanted to throw all my money at. Instead of making it rain, I settled for small purchases and vowing to write about them later. Here are my absolute favorites!

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Nerdy Fashion: Convention Edition

Nerdy Fashion: Convention Edition

I find myself saying “Oh my God, what do I even wear to this” a lot less than I used to (Thanks, college, for preparing me for most dress scenarios), but every now and then I hit some fashion wall I can’t climb up. This happened in March with the first convention I’d ever attended, Springfest. What do you wear if you want to be comfortable, look fashionable and appropriately nerdy, and also like you’re not trying really hard to be cool but are actually trying really hard to be cool? Apparently my answer was bright yellow high heels; that answer was very wrong and painful. Learn from my mistakes–if you’re not cosplaying here are some do’s and don’ts to con fashion. I’ll be rocking some of these this weekend at Wizard World NYC (remind me to stay away from the high heels).

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DIY Projects With Avengers Duct Tape


I assume that you, dear reader, are a responsible adult who definitely never impulse buys things with superheroes on them with no clear plan as to how you will use said Tony Stark covered impulse buy. Dear reader, you surely never wander into a Michaels with a clear plan of action and set list of necessary items only to find yourself drawn to a rack of Avengers themed something. I can only hope that you never find yourself eagerly grabbing said something and saying aloud, “No, but I need this.” while throwing it into your cart only to watch your purchase sit in a junk drawer for years.

Oh, you do this too? That’s good, I have a solution for you based on my most recent impulse buy totally adult decision.

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Nerdy News: May 2013 (and a special giveaway!)

Nerdy News May 2013 and special giveaway

Happy June, everyone! May’s been a big and exciting month for us AND the geekverse; we’re glad to bring you the best tidbits of the past month’s happenings. And, if you sit tight and get to the end of the post, you might even find an opportunity to win something special… so read on and see if your luck holds up! (We here at 3 Chic Geeks do not advocate the acquisition of cursed rabbit feet in order to improve your chances at winning.)

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Comic Book Review: Dim Sum Warriors

As some of you may know, I went to New York Comic Con 2012 – for just one day, mind you. Artist Alley has always been one of my favorite spots to visit. You can find great comics, fanart and accessories in any Artist Alley. One of my finds this year, Dim Sum Warriors, made me squeal when faced with its utter cuteness. Dim Sum Warriors is a martial-arts story with a twist – all the characters are anthropomorphic dim sum warriors.
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