Three Chic Geeks

For the nerdy and proud. Warning: spontaneous geekgasms may occur.


March Madness: And the Winner is…


We started out with 32 of the most loved ships from our favorite fandoms. From Johnlock to Romione to the ever-controversial Wincest, these ships battled it out to be named the most popular OTP in March Madness: Shipping Wars.

One ship to rule them all. Continue reading


March Madness: Round 3

round 3


Round 2 of our March Madness: Shipping Wars was absolutely brutal. The battle of Johnlock vs. Wincest was by far the most intense we have seen yet. After going back and forth the entire time, Johnlock came out triumphant in the end. Stony, Merthur, and Destiel all made it to the next round for the Fan Favorites while on the Canon side The Ponds, Harkness/Universe, Romione and 10th/Rose round out the Elite Eight. Continue reading


March Madness: Round 2

round two

After an intense first round, we have our Sweet Sixteen.

On the Fan Favorites side Johnlock, Wincest, Stony, Nuna, Bagginshield, Merthur, Legolas/Gimli and Destiel have all advanced. The slash couples have definitely done well in the Shipping Wars.

In the Canon conference The Ponds, Zoe/Wash, Buffy/Angel, Jack Harkness/The Universe, Romione, Black Hawk, Eowyn/Faramir, and The 10th Doctor/Rose made it to round two. While The Ponds are the favorite to win overall, there are some definite dark horses that could make it to the end. Continue reading


Doctor Who Is Real: Reasons why I’m just going to sit here and wait for the TARDIS.

The theory that runs my life is that someday I will be recognized as so intensely extraordinary that a half-giant on a flying motorcycle/man in a blue box will inform me that there has been a terrible mistake and he needs to bring me to Hogwarts/All of time and space right away. I’m not getting any closer on the Hogwarts front, real owls tend to bite those that try to bribe them into carrying messages to Dumbledore , but thankfully my vivid fantasy life involving Doctor Who only becomes crazier and and more real with each passing day. Here we have, ladies and gentlemen, the mounting body of evidence that proves I’m totally sane. Continue reading

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2012 in GIFs

In celebration of the end of 2012, we’re reviewing our favorite pop culture moments in the only socially acceptable format – GIFs. We feel it is appropriate to title 2012 as being the Year of the Fall, because of reasons. Many reasons. Many tear-inducing reasons.  Read on to find out what made our gaydar radar beep.

WARNING – May contain spoilers for Doctor Who, Sherlock, and basically the whole year. (#2012Spoilers)

Read at your own risk!

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